Yrsa Davila, Director, Cultural facilitator, logistics

Yrsa Davila

Yrsa DavilaDirector, Cultural facilitator, logistics



Yrsa is a focused and highly motivated leader with a huge passion for arts and commitment with the artists. She has more than 20 years of experience developing a broad range of cultural projects for MSA as well as for organizations of international scope. Yrsa has also solid experience leading non profit organizations, and working with private industry and government agencies, leading and managing complex projects.

She is a natural connector with an excellent track record developing cultural projects and establishing lasting partnerships with a network of culture, civic, business and government leaders in turnaround fast paced organizations. Yrsa is a persuasive communicator and an effective change agent across a broad range of executive and managerial functions.

Some of the most relevant projects as cultural manager are:
1985 Co-founder of MSA Experimental Art Space (https://msa-x-2.msa-x.org/) – San Juan, Puerto Rico. A highly eclectic cutting edge cultural space in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, that developed and produced cultural local and international events including fine arts,performance, alternative music, video festivals, poetry nights, modern dance and community activities. This project is part of the digital archive Documents of 20th. Century Latin American and Latino Art in the Houston Museum of Fine Arts, turning point in the fine arts scene in Puerto Rico. https:// www.mfah.org/blogs/highlights-icaa/icaa-highlights-for- august

2016-present Curator/Director– Retrospective exhibition of interdisciplinary artist Teo Freytes. Which includes: selecting works; supervise web page design, catalog, design of expo space, arranged interviews (local and international publications), and funding.

2000 – Project Manager 1st. Public Art Project of Municipio de San Juan. Sculpture “El Toque”, artist Teo Freytes, Plaza Barceló, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Project Manager Los Plateros de San Juan, silver collection from XVII – XIX century, under the custody of the archbisphoric of San Juan and exhibited at Museo de San Juan, San Juan Puerto Rico.”AICA” ( International Association of Art Critics) Award.

2001 -Project Director “1er. Salón de Instalaciones Gráficas”, Bienal del Grabado de San Juan, Museo Las Américas,San Juan, PR. First multimedia exhibition in the “ Bienal del Grabado de San Juan. “AICA” ( International Association of Art Critics) Award.

1998 – Project Director ”100 artistas contemporáneos… 100 años despues ” Arsenal de la Puntilla, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 100 interdisciplinary artists (music, performance, sculpture, video, and mixed media) nominated by AICA (Asociación Internacional de Críticos de Arte) as Best Exhibition of the Year.

1992 – Project Manager, exhibition “Cerámica de Tonalá”, Mexican ceramic XVIII. Opening exhibition for Museo Las Américas, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Nominated by AICA(International Association of Art Critics) as Best Exhibition of the Year.

1993 – In collaboration with Museo de Guadalajara from México, directed and supervised the restoration works, and opening of “Museo de las Américas” at Cuartel de Ballaja in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

1993-Director, Exhibition “Museo del Oro de Perú” (pre columbine gold objects), and Colonial paintings Museo Santa Rosa de Lima , “AICA” ( International Association of Art Critics) Award 1993, Museo Las Américas, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Yrsa has been part of boards of directors for cultural organizations and institutions in Puerto Rico. Among them are:

Vice President, Board of Directors, 2001-2006 LA CASA DEL LIBRO Museum, most important rare books collection from America -San Juan, Puerto Rico

Member Board of Directors, 1999-2002 Internationally awarded electronic e-zine EL CUARTO DEL QUENEPON, (MoMa, NYC archives), Puerto Rico.

President, Board of Director, 1993-1995Modern dance company DANZACTIVA and DANZA’E, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Vicepresident and Secretary of Comisión Organizadora and Comisión de Asuntos Artísticos, 1994-1999 Bienal del Grabado de San Juan, Latinoamerica y El Caribe, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Some of her experience also includes:
Executive Director for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico;
Alliances, New Media and Executive Director Advisor for the Trienal PoliGráfica de Puerto Rico at the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture;
External Affairs & Marketing Director at the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico;
Public Affairs Director, The Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico;
Public Relations and Communications Director at Corporación de las Artes Musicales de Puerto Rico;
Public Relations, Communications and Special Projects Director at Comisión Quinto Centenario de Puerto Rico.