A glimpse of…, Anne Cecile Surga & Sophie Ullrich

Two contemporary female artists, sculptor Anne Cecile Surga and painter Sophie Ullrich make their Miami debut in a dual exhibition curated by Valeria Schäfer.
Anne Cecile Surga and Sophie Ullrich exhibit together for the first time, presenting Surga’s respective marble sculptures and Ullrich’s oil paintings in a harmony of abstract, yet suggestive forms.
Piero Atchugarry Gallery is pleased to announce A glimpse of…, a dual exhibition which tells the story of two female artists, sculptor Anne Cecile Surga (b. 1987, Lavelanet, France) and painter Sophie Ullrich (b. 1990, Geneva, Switzerland). Though they have never met, and they couldn’t be more different in terms of material, curator Valeria Schäfer posits a complementary relationship between their work, predicated upon their shared subtle gestures and impressions which express the fleeting nature of existence. Anne Cecile chose marble as her signature material in 2013 while studying at the Fundación Pablo Atchugarry in Uruguay. She transforms the hard material into a deceptively soft and pliable one; traces of human handprints effortlessly drag through the marble, while other pieces appear to slump under the force of their own weight. Her works have been shown internationally and can be found in the public collection of Museo MUST, Vimercate, Italy, and in the private collection of Pablo Atchugarry. Anne Cecile has won several prizes for her work, including the YICCA Art Prize in 2017, the Mary Beth Gutkowski Scholarship in 2019, and the On Form bursary in 2020. In 2015, she opened her studio in the Pyrenean Mountains in France where she still lives and works. Sophie Ullrich studied painting and visual arts in the class of Eberhard Havekost at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. The young German artist packs her paintings with art-historical references, combining the life-like renderings of female figures that dominated Renaissance painting with comic-like symbols that condense language of hieroglyphs with that of advertisement and its co-option in the movement of neo-expressionism. Gallery goers in Luxembourg first discovered her work in the group exhibition Just So Stories at Nosbaum Reding in 2019. Her work has since been the subject of numerous solo and group exhibitions, among others at Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, K21 – Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf and Tapetenwerk in Leipzig. She lives and works in Düsseldorf.
Sophie Ullrich

born 21.06.1990 in Geneva/ Switzerland
2009 High School graduation, Cologne
2011 Start of studies at the art academy Düsseldorf
2018 Graduation at the art academy Düsseldorf / academy Letter
Master Student of Eberhard Havekost
lives and works in Düsseldorf
daily history podcast (solo show), Nosbaum & Reding Gallery, Luxembourg, 2021
Central Sparks, Zero Fold, Cologne, 2021
Misa, Messe in St. Agnes, Berlin, 2021
bored Queen overlooking her fields (solo show), Tube culture hall, Milano, 2021
lab III, Evelyn Drewes Gallery, Hamburg, 2021
Buddies, Reiter Gallery, Berlin, 2021
Salon der Gegenwart 10, Hamburg, 2020
art au center #4, Liège, 2020
Groupshow, Nosbaum & Reding Gallery, Brussels, 2020
Genius Loci 8, Setareh Gallery, Düsseldorf , 2020
My tan is just fine, Gold+Beton, Cologne, 2020
Junger Westen , Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, 2019
Just So Stories, Nosbaum und Reding Gallery, Luxembourg, 2019
Vorstellungsgespräche, Reiter Gallery, Leipzig, 2019
Fabric of art, Kaiser & Dicke, 701 e.V., Wuppertal, 2019
zweiklassen, Tapetenwerk, Leipzig, 2019
Planet 58, K21, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 2019
Out of thin air, Amsterdam, 2018
Plié, class Havekost, Poleland, Düsseldorf, 2018
Mckinsey , SkyOffice, Düsseldorf, 2018
tote Ganoven (soloshow), Frappant e.V, Hamburg, 2018
Caput, Narren wachsen unbegossen (soloshow), Zero Fold, Cologne 2018
postPost, Gruppenausstellung, Halle 3, Düsseldorf, 2017
Proteinriegel, Im Goldenen, Düsseldorf, 2017
Neujahrversteigerung, Rathaus Düsseldorf, Rheinlust Agentur, 2017
Fernstehen, Matrose, Golestani Gallery, Düsseldorf, 2016
Reproduktives Arbeiten, class Havekost, Berlin, 2016
Silberrücken, class Havekost; Felix Ringel Gallery, Düsseldorf,2015
Anne Cecile Surga

2013 Art Students League, New York, USA
Ecorché and Metal Sculpture
Christie’s Education New York, New York, USA
Master in Modern and Contemporary Art, Art History, Criticism and Conservation
2010 Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, USA
Master in Business Administration, concentration in Management
2008 Ateliers Michel Fontenille, Dijon, France
Sculpture Sur Argile
Solo Shows
2021 « A Corps Perdu » Galerie Sabine Bayasli, Paris, France
2020 « Tout Mou for You » Sozinho, Toulouse, France
2019 «Cuerpos de Emociones» Museo de la Ciudad, Mostoles, Espagne
«Gritos Silenciosos» Galeria KET, Barcelone, Espagne
2018 « Scriptures » Elaboratory, Paris, France
2016 « Il Ne Fallait Pas Me Créer Libre » Galerie des Carmes, Pamiers, France
Expositions Collectives
2021 Survey Exhibition, Piero Atchugarry Gallery, Miami, USA
Materia i Materiali, Rossovermiglio Gallery, Padova, Italia
Summer Show, Galeria de las Misione, José Ignacio, Uruguay
2020 « Signs » Luisa Catucci Gallery, Berlin, Germany
« FRESH RICE » Rice Initiative, MUTO Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
“Quarantine Exhibition” curator Dionisis Chritofilogiannis, Space52, Athens, Greece
« On Form » Asthall, UK
2019 “Core of Cores” curator Mengyue Zhang, Galerie de l’IESA, Paris, France
« Georges Mathieu – Anne Cecile Surga » RossovermiglioArte, Padova, Italia
« Passage(s) ou l’Art du Transitoire, » Espace Bourdelle, Montauban, France
« Skiagrafia », curator Anna Dona, Vitrine DD, Paris, France
“V_AIR2019: Transiti”, curator Maria Paula Zedda, Museo MUST, Vimercate, Italia
« We Are Fatale » Fatale Art Gallery, LiveArt, Montreal, Canada
Anne Cecile Surga
Biennale de Gentilly, Gentilly, France
2018 «Encuentros en el Arte» Museo Gurvich, Montevideo, Uruguay
« Salon d’Automne » invitée en tant que lauréat du Prix Arbuste, Paris, France
« Endangered Bodies » School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
«VII Bienal Internacional de Escultura Valle de los Suenos» Puebla de la Sierra, Spain
« La Poétique des Matériaux » Espace Bourdelle, Montauban, France
« Biennale Arte Dolomiti » Cibiana di Cadore, Italia
“WAR: Quello que Rimane” Metamorfosi Gallery, Vicenza, Italia
2017 « YICCA 2017 » Rome, Italia
“CHUNK3” Team Caef, Brescia, Italia
« Somos Il–Limitades » Association FemArt, Barcelona, Spain
« Salon d’Automne » invitée dans le cadre du Prix « Jeune Arbuste », Paris, France
« Biennale Interactive de Sculpture Contemporaine en Bourgogne » Nolay, France
« Setba Jove 2017 » Fundacion Setba Jove, Barcelona, Spain
« SenseFils – NoMo – Sincria » Centro Civico de la Barceloneta, Barcelona, Spain
2016 « Gender and Freedom » Triennale Internationale des Arts Mixtes, Belgrade, Serbia
« Cent Centimètres Carrés » Galerie du Philosophe, Carla Bayle, France
« Amore e Scelta / Love and Choice” Collezione Fondazione Pablo Atchugarry,Museo MIIT, Torino, Italia
« Gaia III » Mairie du IIème Arrondissement, Paris, France
2019 Tuscany Study, through the Mary Beth Gutkowski scholarship
Vimercate Art in Residence, Vimercate, Italia
2014 Atelier Pablo Atchugarry, Punta del Este, Uruguay
2020 On Form Bursary, Asthall, UK
V Edición Concurso Arte Contemporáneo IDC, Vigo, Spain
2019 Mary Beth Gutkowski scholarship
2018 “Prix Arbustes” Les Amis du Salon d’Automne de Paris, Paris, France
Prix Jeune Arbuste, Salon Arbustes, Mantes–la–Jolie, France
Medalla de Oro, «VII Bienal Internacional de Escultura Valle de los Sueños» Puebla de la Sierra, Spain
2017 Prix YICCA 2017, Roma, Italia
Prix Jeune Arbuste, Salon Arbustes, Mantes–la–Jolie, France
Prix Espoir, Biennale Interactive de Sculpture Contemporaine en Bourgogne, Nolay, France
Anne Cecile Surga
Anne Cecile Surga Biography
Anne Cecile was born in 1987 in Lavelanet, France. She demonstrated a natural interest in art and other
manual activities during her childhood, and in 2000 she entered her first drawing and painting class. She
learnt classical rules of compositions, anatomy, and harmony of colors along with different techniques
such as drawing, pastel, china ink, and oil painting. This first classical study of art would be the
foundation for artistic development to come.
Anne Cecile enrolled in a business school in 2006 while studying clay sculpture in the evening. She later
graduated with a Master in Business Administration from the Florida Gulf Coast University. In 2012, she
went to New York City where she graduated with a Master in Art History from Christie’s Education.
During her time in New York, she studied metal sculpture and écorché sculpture and the Art Student
Then, in 2013 Anne Cecile stayed at the Fundacion Pablo Atchugarry in Uruguay, where she learned how to
cut marble. Following this experience marble becomes her main material. In 2015, she opened her studio
in the Pyrenean Mountains in France where she still lives and works.
Her works have been shown internationally, it can be found in the public collection of Museo MUST,
Vimercate, Italy, and in the private collection of Pablo Atchugarry. Anne Cecile has won several prizes for
her work, including the YICCA Art Prize in 2017, the Mary Beth Gutkowski Scholarship in 2019, and the
On Form bursary in 2020
Natural Successor

Henrique Oliveira, Pablo Atchugarry, Roberto Pugliese, Artur Lescher, Arcangelo Sassolino, and Yuken Teruya Miami
Piero Atchugarry Gallery presents a group exhibition of contemporary sculpture exploring the parameters of what is natural, and the ecological repercussions of transgressing them.
A group exhibition of contemporary sculpture by Henrique Oliveira, Pablo Atchugarry, Roberto Pugliese, Artur Lescher, Arcangelo Sassolino, and Yuken Teruya, Natural Successor investigates the geological and ideological shifts which characterize the Anthropocene era.
The Piero Atchugarry Gallery presents Natural Successor, a group exhibition of contemporary sculpture that draws attention to the struggle for dominance between nature and artifice that has come to a head in the Anthropocene era. Hailing from Brazil, Italy, Uruguay, and Japan, each artist takes up the task of drawing our attention to the ways in which our perception of what is natural has been reshaped and obfuscated by the legacy of global industry.
Brazilian artist Henrique Oliveira (b. 1973) primarily uses discarded wood collected from the streets of São Paulo, where he lives and works. Also based in São Paulo, Brazilian artist Artur Lescher (b. 1962) makes reference to natural elements which, when impeccably reproduced by means of industrial processes, reveal and, at the same time, deny these very real origins. Uruguayan artist Pablo Atchugarry (b. 1954) sculpts with the intention of restoring a sense of dignity to his materials in their afterlife. Italian artist Roberto Pugliese’s (b. 1982) Critici Ostinati Ritmici (2010) uses sound and kinetics to amplify the imminent problem of global deforestation. Another Italian artist working with kinetic sculpture is Arcangelo Sassolino (b. 1967). Pressurized air causes his plastic sculpture to contract and expand, producing a thunder that beckons viewers closer with every strike. Japanese artist Yuken Teruya’s (b. 1973) Notice-Forest series illustrates the cycle of mass consumerism.
images of the expos
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