MSA-X 2019 coverage of Fabien Castanier Gallery

Fabien Castanier Gallery

MSA-X 2019 coverage of Fabien Castanier Gallery

We thank, Fabien Castanier Gallery, Miami, and their staff for there kind help, we also thank the artist for there creative phenomena.

Mark Jenkins: From Here to Nowhere, Fabien Castanier Gallery, Miami, 2019

Fabien Castanier Gallery is excited to present a solo exhibition for American artist Mark Jenkins, From Here to Nowhere. The show will be held in both of our gallery locations, ...beginning with the Progressive Art Brunch event in Little Haiti on Sunday October 13th and continuing with a subsequent opening reception in Wynwood on Saturday October 19th. This will be the second solo exhibition for the artist at the gallery.

With biting wit and an eye for the absurd, Mark Jenkins presents a new series of provocative sculptures for his latest solo exhibition. Each piece conveys a larger story, whether a commentary on society or a critique of contemporary culture, the only true meaning behind each tableau is interpreted through the viewers’ perspective – unique and often variable to the individual. This interaction between the audience and artwork continues to drive the “performance” aspect of his hyper-realistic figures, and for the first time ever, he has created a truly interactive and immersive experience for his audience. In the gallery’s Little Haiti space, From Here to Nowhere will feature a performative installation entitled “Nucleus”, which will allow viewers to interact and “play” with the artist’s sculptures.

For the past few years, Jenkins has brought his pieces around the world for a variety of projects and public art events. In 2017, he collaborated with fashion house Balenciaga, displaying his sculptures as part of the opening of a newly designed New York boutique. In 2018, the artist presented a powerful art installation entitled “Project84” where he placed 84 of his figures on top of the ITV buildings at Southbank in London. The installation aimed to bring awareness to the prevalence of male suicide in the United Kingdom.

In 2019, he has participated in the Rose Béton biennale/art festival held in Toulouse France, where he installed a number of sculptures in the public space, including upon a fountain and hanging on a swing from the Pont Saint Pierre bridge. Most recently, Jenkins placed five of his hooded figures in front of the Laguna Beach City Hall in California. Referred to as “The Caretakers”, the pieces were commissioned by the city, each sculpture occupied with an absurd activity, such as one who appears to be vacuuming the lawn.

Mark Jenkins crosses boundaries with his life-size figures, re-defining the limits of what “immersion” can be. With pieces that elicit strong reactions from any audience, the artist chooses to have the pieces speak for themselves. Whether he’s placed them in a public space or in the gallery, the sculptures represent an exploration into human connection – a mirror held up to our understanding of the world. He currently lives and works outside Washington D.C.
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Fabien Castanier Gallery is a contemporary art gallery that represents both established and emerging international artists. The gallery cultivates an interdisciplinary program through emphasizing contemporary art including: painting, sculpture, installation, and new media. Fabien Castanier Gallery founded in 2011 in Los Angeles (CA) and in 2017 opened a space in Miami (FL) in the Wynwood Arts District. In 2018, the gallery also established a special project and experimental space in the Little River district of Miami. In addition to a foundation of exhibitions throughout the year, the gallery participates in a number of international art fairs, continuing to expand its exhibition program by introducing cutting edge contemporary artists to audiences worldwide.