Mario Bencomo, Visual Poet, @ LnS Gallery, Miami, 2019

Mario Bencomo, Visual Poet, at LnS Gallery, Miami, 2019

This exhibit features ten artworks inspired by the work of various poets in different languages, including Constantine Cavafy, Federico García Lorca, Émile Nelligan, Oscar Wilde, and Walt Whitman. The visual poetry series is an exquisite tribute in which Bencomo pays homage to these great writers by including handwritten poems and texts within his intricate compositions. On view through May 18, 2018. Ongoing Highlights, a curated selection of works by Contemporary artists is also featured at the gallery.

Mario Bencomo artist
Mario Bencomo artist

Mario Bencomo (b. 1953) is a Cuban-born, American artist. His work relates to the ambiguity of form found in the natural world, literature, poetry, art history and personal experience; often blurring the line between the spiritual from the sensual. He never broke away from his original cultural links to Cuba or later Spain, where he lived before he arrived in New York at the age of 14 in 1968, and later to Miami, where he was formed as an artist. He often returns to Europe for extended stays, and for many years now, to Montreal, Canada, where he also works on many of his paintings and drawings. In 1996, he returned to Cuba for the first time, three decades after leaving, and has visited Cuba periodically since then.

He has participated in cultural panels and lectures on his work at museums and cultural institutions, including the Golda Meir Center, Denver, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Panama, NSU Museum of Art, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, San Jose, Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Naples Museum of Art, FL, Ottawa School of Art, Ontario, Canada and the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa.

LnS Gallery

Mario Bencomo: poesía visual en el Aeropuerto de Miami

En las artes plásticas se pueden encontrar a grosso modo dos tipos de pintores, los que buscan el orden y los que reflejan el caos. Del caos sacan su energía que a borbotones se planta sobre la tela, el papel o la madera, traduciendo las emociones, la tensión de vivir en un planeta, en una cultura, en una sociedad. No tienen que hablar, aunque quizás hablen mucho, solo tienen que expresar lo íntimo a través de esa explosión simbólica de sus deseos, de sus preguntas, de sus razones.

Así veo a Mario Bencomo, como el pintor que refleja la intensidad que vive a diario. Del mismo modo que algunos pintores se inspiran en la música a él lo energiza la poesía. “Es mi inspiración constante”, confiesa. Sus pinturas son poemas visuales.

Ahora reúne rasgos de esa veta de su personalidad artística en un sitio increíblemente sugestivo y guardado, donde para entrar hay que tener permiso. Si usted no es un viajero no puede ver la muestra. Ese es su secreto. Pero tiene la ventaja de que miles acuden de modo cautivo a ese pasillo todos los días, porque está centrada en el pasillo o vestíbulo Norte 29 D de American Airlines en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami. El que viaja por esos vericuetos no la puede ignorar. Está expuesta en vitrinas especialmente diseñadas para guardar sus cuadros y libros, y salta a buscarle a uno con el atractivo de su impronta.

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Mario Bencomo: The Encounter Between the Petal and the Thorn
Over the last four decades, Miami-based multidisciplinary artist Mario Bencomo has cobbled together a highly successful career that has seen him exhibit all over the world, including the Lowe Art Museum at the University of Miami, NSU Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale, Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, Museo de América in Madrid, Minnesota Museum of Art in St. Paul and Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame