Beg Borrow and Steal

Here we are at Rubell, a large space and the show was interesting, we had seen some of the work at some of the fairs in Miami in the past years, it gives us a taste of what is considered contemporary art in the commercial world of the business of art, and well they did have a reference to Marcel Duchamp to make us see where all this art comes from, here is a statement from there page. The site is Rubell Family Collection

December 2, 2009 – May 29, 2010

Beg Borrow and Steal presents paintings, sculptures, photographs, videos and installations by seventy-four artists from the Rubell Family Collection/Contemporary Arts Foundation and occupies twenty-eight galleries at the 45,000 sq ft museum. It is accompanied by a large-format 272-page catalog.

In 2005 the Rubells had a series of conversations with artists Kelly Walker and Wade Guyton, who talked about the generosity of some artists in the nature of their work. Walker and Guyton described how artists like Cady Noland, Andy Warhol, Marcel Duchamp and Richard Prince opened doors for other artists like themselves to walk through. The Rubells had never heard that opinion expressed as honestly before. This show was borne out of those conversations, and its title comes from a quote attributed to Picasso: “Good artists borrow, great artists steal.” While the question of artistic influence may not be new, what artists choose to borrow or steal, and from whom, is distinct in that it becomes a reflection of their own time. Beg Borrow and Steal presents artists’ attempts to build on the legacies of their predecessors as they present their own new ideas. Art about art and “stolen” imagery has fueled many an artist’s production, and this exhibition contains numerous landmark examples by internationally renowned contemporary artists.

Hope you enjoy the video.


video of the show